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Understanding the First Time Ever Metric for Content Visits Reports


Hello, I'm trying to understand what First time ever metric means. I have a report which shows the amount of visits from our Content pages (this is a custom event, which filters visits to certain pages on our website). If I create an Insights Report with Metric = Content Visits, and add a First time ever filter. Would it filter for First time ever on these filtered set of pages (under Content Visits event), or First time ever on our site (across all pages). Does this question make sense? Thanks!

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    Hi Maria! It would filter on the first instance or first time users do the Content Visit event, but it looks like you are using a custom property. It would take that into account, so it would look at the first instance a unique user has done the event with the given filters you added on the custom event.

  • Avatar of Maria K.
    Maria K.

    Hi Eric, tysm! And if I wanted to filter for users who first time ever event was across all website pages, but filtered by these pages?

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    Let me know if I’m understanding this correctly… You want to see the first instance of the event from a list of events A,B, or C. In that case, I would filter for those events and in the metrics section, I would choose “All Events” and then breakdown by event name.

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    I would also add the first time ever filter as well to the “All Events” metric

  • Avatar of Maria K.
    Maria K.

    I wanted to keep the filter for content visits for this report - see only visits to content pages, but make the first time ever filter across all pages, not just content visits

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    Hmm, what does the content visits custom event consist of?

  • Avatar of Maria K.
    Maria K.

    Set of content-related pages

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    Think I got it so not first time ever per se but first time for the page. Is that right?

  • Avatar of Maria K.
    Maria K.

    I thought your first answer meant that first time ever filter in this report would be related only to this set of Content pages by default. So if a user is registered visiting these pages for the first time. But I'd like to know how would I get to first time ever across the site, while the report is limited to these pages.

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    If you want first time ever across the site, I would include another metric for “All Events” and add the first time filter on that

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    This would show the first event ever done on the site within the time range specified

  • Avatar of Maria K.
    Maria K.

    Ok, I think I got it - thanks!

  • Avatar of Eric N.
    Eric N.

    No worries - hopefully that helped! Here is a doc on explaining the filter a bit more