Hi everyone! 👋 I’m doing some research on best practices for measuring onboarding & identifying user drop-off points. It looks like this channel is mostly answered by bots, but I thought I’d give it a try: 1 - Are you storing onboarding progress on the client or the server? If so, what drove your decision? 2 - If storing on the client, how are you thinking about event flushing and getting the “complete” data?
Hey Barbara G., Nice to meet you - know you from LinkedIn
For a lot of startups I work with, we store it on client - reasoning is that it's easier to implement, and we get more client side data. The downside is obviously data- loss, but for cases where we're looking for trends and not absolute numbers, client side is what we choose.
We usually use a proxy so that we can minimize data loss.
Sure Barbara G.. Here's a 10 min video on how to set up proxy and what it is. Lemme know if you have any further questions.
Ansh A. I see! Thanks for sharing this. I should have specified that I'm looking into in specific measuring onboarding within mobile apps. I don't think the proxy is relevant here
Barbara G. got it. In mobile, honestly client side wouldn't have a lot of data loss - so you can go ahead without a proxy. Data loss is higher on the web due to ad- blockers.