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Best Practices for Structuring Events in Mixpanel


Hey! After 1,5 years of using mixpanel we have teams that haven’t implemented events in a good structured way. Some are outdated and new with new names been added. What is a good practice for starting over? On our side of course, better processes and consistency but on the mixpanel side. Is it best to use hide and merge to not loose old data but still keeping it easy to use for future analysis?

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    I faced this many years ago. I made a new project. Kept the old as “archive” and always planned to do an export/transform/ingest but honestly never did as I felt the info wasn’t worth it in the end.

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    Btw it felt nice to start “fresh”

  • Avatar of Patrik

    Andrew S. I can imagine the clean start feeling 🤣 I think now with hide and merge functionality it might not be needed to start over 100% but would be interesting to hear someone who’ve used that functionality more too :)

  • Avatar of Patrik

    Maybe it still is better with a restart

  • Avatar of Vishal (.
    Vishal (.

    we do Mixpanel implementations and we face this repeatedly here is the link with process mentioned to start over https://optiblack.com/data-accelerator

  • Avatar of Vishal (.
    Vishal (.