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Counting User Events with Category ID Filter in Analytics


Hi! I need to count how many users performed a particular event for the second time (I'm using "Frequency per user per interval equals 2"). However, I also need to add a filter where the category_id for the first occurrence is different from the category_id for the second occurrence. How can I set that up?

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    You could try to create [two] custom events where the event is the same but applying af ilter for the category_id. Then you could look at your funnel of users who did custom event 1 and then custom event 2.

  • Avatar of Monika

    Thanks! But there is no possibility to just create filter where the category_id for the first occurrence is different from the category_id for the second occurrence in general? I have multiple category_ids (About 200) so its not possible to do it this way I think. I just need simply have condition where category_id (event 1) != category_id (event 2).