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Seeking Table View for Cohort Size with DAU and MAU Metrics


We want to track the size of a cohort over time. We can visualise this nicely in a line chart, but we were hoping to get it in a table view (so we can easily copy-paste a number for a given day). For tracking other metrics, we're just swapping our Insights reports to a Table view, and adding a breakdown on Time (by day) to get a nice table with a row per day, but unfortunately this isn't possible due to Cohorts not having any concept of the Time field compared to events etc. Does anyone have any ideas? Context is that we basically want a table with three columns: Date, DAU (Daily Active Users) and MAU (rolling Monthly Active Users), but unfortunately our MAU cohort is defined as slightly more complex than just 'anyone who did a Login', otherwise we'd just use the Unique Users -> MAU metric.

  • Avatar of Ali B.
    Ali B.

    Is your active user definition to complex for a custom event too? If so, another potential workaround is to use the Google Sheets integration to sync the data from a regular line chart to a spreadsheet and copy paste from there.