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How to Use Filters for Breakdowns: Tips and Troubleshooting


Hello everyone, how do I use the filters for my breakdowns? When clicking on select all only the top section is deselected, and if I search a specific property, it only lets me deselect it, instead of only selecting it

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    that select-all seems to only work on the first level of a breakdown. You could reverse the order of your breakdown levels. Or you could use the filter on the insight construction and add that lower level property and put your filter in there.

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    Can you elaborate about the latter? The idea is that the users of this graph will be able to see a specific customer

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    This is my breakdown, I want to see data on specific tenant as a reader

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    I can add a filter but it sounds not correct

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    So you can add the "metadata * tenant_name" property that you have in your breakdown to the "Filter" section just above it (keep it in both places). And then you can add specific tenant_names into that filter to then only show those items

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    Also a user that has only read access can add this filter?

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    So I won't affect the entire graph

  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.
  • Avatar of Andrew S.
    Andrew S.

    Hmmm. not sure that a read-only user will be able to edit that filter. I would have to create a read-only user to try and test that.

  • Avatar of Ariel B.
    Ariel B.

    Yeah that's the thing, it looks like editing the query is not the right path.. I'll try aswell