Madhukesh G. Are you using client side implementation on Mixpanel?
Using client side has a 15-20% data loss due to Adblockers.
For example, if I'm using Arc/ Brave browser - Mixpanel often is unable to track me.
Hey Ansh A., Yes it is on Client side. We have implemented Mixpanel on our Website using GTM. In GA4 we have total users is 120k while in Mixpanel it is 150k.
This is possible due to ad blockers. However, can you also confirm if you're looking at the same numbers from GA and Mixpanel? Usually the definition gap could also make this seem like a data issue.
Ansh A. I am ok with justified definition gap. Just want to sure that Mixpanel implementation should not be wrong. Do you have any documentation which explains the definition of both system?
Got it. I'm assuming it's either because of Ad-blockers on GA4, or some misfiring on Mixpanel Page View event related to users.
Do you have 2 domains? For example,, and
Got it. Then, the only reason I can think of is GA events being blocked due to Ad blockers. Rest, I'd say go to your website and fire events. Check them both on GA and Mixpanel, if they're firing correctly.