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Discrepancy in Retention Report User Count: Need Help!


Hello everyone, I have a problem reading the data from the retention report. I created a cohort report with two events, and the total number of users is 124. But when I go to the retention report to analyze the same metrics over the same time period, the total number of users is different. Even when I use the filter for users in that cohort, a higher number of users is shown. How is that possible? Really appreciate if anyone can help me with this! ❤️

  • Avatar of Johannes K.
    Johannes K.

    Your cohort checks for users across the entire timeframe. Meaning each user is only counted once there. In the retention report, a user could be counted multiple times. If I have an app session in both October and November, I would be counted once for each month. But only once overall in the cohort. ....I think that's what's going on here anyway. Sound plausible?!