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Questions About Mixpanel Free Plan Features and Security Policies


I have a question about the services provided with the Mixpanel free plan.

IP access control

• Is it possible to enable access from a specific cloud (ex. internal network)?

Can you tell me what the password policy is??

- Do you receive a periodic change message every 90 days? - Do you prevent passwords from being reused within 3 times?


Check access records at least once a month (in case of personal information processing system) I have to follow security, but can I leave a log of whether users accessed Mixpanel for our project data analysis?

MFA (2-factor authentication applied)

• Is access possible through 2-factor authentication (SMS, email, Google Authenticator, MS Authenticator, etc.)? I found 4 in the project menu. However, I couldn’t find 1, 2, and 3 in the Mixpanel documentation. Can you help me?