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Tracking Dynamic URLs in Analytics: Normalizing Page Names


I added the track_pageview:url-with-path-and-query-string option to track pages that users view. This method collects all dynamic URLs, including user-generated content pages. However, this makes it difficult to analyze pages of the same type (e.g., all detail pages) as a single group, so I'm using a DYNAMIC_PAGE array to define path patterns and a getPageNameFromPath function to normalize page names. For example, URLs like '/seeks/123' and '/seeks/456' are all being tracked as a single page type called 'seeks/detail'. I'd like to confirm if this approach is heading in the right direction

  const DYNAMIC_PAGE = [
    { path: '/seeks/', format: (path: string) => `${path}detail` }, //seeks/@recruitmentId
    { path: '/portfolio/bookmarks/', format: (path: string) => `${path}detail` }, //portfolio/bookmarks/@groupId
    { path: '/point/charge/', format: (path: string) => `${path}detail` },

  const getPageNameFromPath = (pathname: string) => {
    const cleanPath = pathname.includes('?') ? pathname.split('?')[0] : pathname;
    const segments = cleanPath.split('/').filter(Boolean);
    if (segments[0]?.startsWith('@')) {
      return segments.length > 1 ? 'portfolio_detail' : 'user_profile';

    const dynamicRoute = DYNAMIC_PAGE.find(({ path }) => cleanPath.startsWith(path));

    if (dynamicRoute) {
      return dynamicRoute.format(dynamicRoute.path);

  React.useEffect(() => {
      page_title: title,
      page: getPageNameFromPath(pathname) ?? pathname,
  }, [pathname]);