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Struggling to Find Session Replay Recordings in Mixpanel App


Hi! I'm trying out session replay for our project by following Mixpanel one line of code in your SDK implementation, but I'm having issues finding the recordings in the Mixpanel app. I can see the events Session Recording Checkpoint are registered in the events, but I cannot see the button shown in this guide to open the Replay Player.

  • Avatar of Josh L.
    Josh L.

    Hey Carlos C. I do not have an exact answer for you but is there not a property with the link you can click on from the event you have described? If not, I would reach out to support to give you a hand here

  • Avatar of Carlos C.
    Carlos C.

    Thanks for your answer Josh L.. I don't see any link in the Session Recording Checkpoint . Do you know what is the best way to contact support?

  • Avatar of Josh L.
    Josh L.

    Carlos C. in this instance it looks as though you might need to single click on the funnel point to see this option. You can try this in other reports as well just as you would click to view the users of a particular point in a graph. i.e. clicking on a point in an insights graph for a particular day opens the option to do several things, inclusive of viewing users and assessing the root cause analysis. Have you tried that?

  • Avatar of Carlos C.
    Carlos C.

    That's right, tried that view and other types of chart views but unfortunately it's not showing anywhere 😞