I work for a saas companies that basically has 7 embedded products within the 1 saas product. I have been asked if I can produce this:
% of client activations in at least 3 products in the first 30 days
Clients activating in at least 2 products weekly
Anyone got any ideas? Example: Let's say it is like Facebook as the Saas, and the products within that are:
And we have activation events for each of those sub products. Thanks in advance
have you tried with the Demo dashboard coming with Mixpanel? They have a SaaS dashboard and it has the activation report.
I think the challenge is the mix of products. A manual way to do “Clients activating in at least 2 products weekly” would be to create custom events for all possible combinations and them use those on an insights report, using first time ever for each on a weekly view? You can add a formula to sum unique users per week? It’s not perfect but it might work. Let me know if it makes sense, I would like to try that myself. Regarding activation on first X days I’m having some trouble as well.
Have you thought using Retention report?
in that way you can take a look to the period of time you need. And yes, I would use first time event in that report so you make sure that is calculated within the timeframe you want
How would you setup the mix of products on a retention reports? I think custom events support only AND conditions and just one event for the activation step. For a single event it would be the way to go, but when thinking about mixing any of X events it gets challenging
yeah because i have a custom event for all my activations events. One custom event with 7 activation events in it. But I cannot filter by 'count of events =2+' or something on a retention report. Ideally I'd want 'All activation events 2+ of my custom events' somehow
and if you build a cohort?
Same problem
with the condition of having inside the cohort people doing your custom events more than XXX times
right but you can filter it in the retention report
using the cohort as a filter
It seems the same solution of building custom events for all variations, but on an insights report you get the weekly sum out of the box
you can change the period
daily weekly
I was referring to the filter at the cohort if you only want to consider those users who at least did 2 times the custom event. Perhaps I misinterpreted what Dominc was referring to
It’s because you have 10 activation events, and you need 2 on any of those. Maybe you are right but I’m not picturing it yet
"But I cannot filter by 'count of events =2+' or something on a retention report. Ideally I'd want 'All activation events 2+ of my custom events' somehow" That might be achieved again with a cohort, you go event by event specifying the amount of times you want so to be a member of the cohort.
yeah, i guess where i am struggling is the repeatability, if a user does all 10 events. It doesn't necessarily mean that they do it weekly. For the first metric, this should be sufficient, thanks
then in the retention report think if changing the "comes back and do it again" parameter helps. You can work daily instead of weekly for your analysis?
oh .. right, thats to count the unique users. Looks good for me. You dont need any retention insight there and you can visualize each pair of events if thats useful.
Still unsure if that answer the question properly. And still the problem of mixing all the combinations
first the definition of what is a user activation. exactly whats that, and I would start from there
is it the first time you do an event? or is sequence? or someone coming back and doing it again? I believe thats key. and of course which events.
I would pick up the most frequent events, understand how often they are using that event, and choosing top 3
having too many events might not always be the best way to go
(as "activation" definition I mean
the activation is someone logs in for the first time -> performs at least 3 activation events within the first 30 days. I believe I have done this one successfully, so thank you for your help 🙂 . The one I am struggling with is the Clients activating in at least 2 products weekly
Oh. thats more clear 🙂 And how are you logging in which product the event was done? do you have same events cross products same naming? using properties? .
it doesn't currently matter to us which product(s) they are using, just that they use 3+. Can be any. So we built a custom event prop that seems to work 🙂
and then use distinct count of that prop
Can you share screen with sample data on how solved 1?
building a cohort with that condition of having at least 3 products being used?
How to set first 30 days filter?
Our activation events with 3 or more products included We have a 'day of journey' prop, which looks at when users were first seen and looks at the date
Awesome! Thanks guys 😄
The one I am struggling with is the Clients activating in at least 2 products weekly ->>> thats when I thought of the retain part, if you use as the first event "login for the first time" and then the come back is the activation. And then you can see the different cohorts you can breakdown by date. And see each week how much they are taking to login first time and do the activation event? sorry might be confusing. ahhah