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Understanding Email Open Tracking: Recent vs. First Open Timestamps


I have some time stamps I am looking at related to open emails. Is it reporting the most recent open or the first open?

  • Avatar of Ansh A.
    Ansh A.

    Adam K. Didn't really understand what you're trying to ask.

  • Avatar of Adam K.
    Adam K.

    Ansh A. For instance, we send email unique email 839282 out. User A receives unique email 839282 6:55 am User A opens unique email 839282 at 7:00 am User A opens unique email 839282 again at 8:45 pm Does mixpanel log an event for the first open and the second open? Just the first open? Just the latest open? And a follow up question is there a way to see an event associated with this one email overtime?

  • Avatar of Ansh A.
    Ansh A.

    It would log everytime user opens the email. Ideally if you're sending an event for open a user opens email, you should be able to see it in Mixpanel