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Adding Anchors and Links in Board Headers: Guide Needed


Hi, Is there a way to add anchors/links in a board? for example I want in the board header to have links to a section in the board?

  • Avatar of Natan D.
    Natan D.

    You can copy a URL to a report in the dashboard (or another dashboard) and add the link in a text field.

  • Avatar of Shai A.
    Shai A.

    Thanks Natan Not sure I understood your suggestion I would like to add quick links in the board for different section in the same board

  • Avatar of Natan D.
    Natan D.

    Yes. You can copy the URL to a report/visual/text in the dashboard by clicking on the dots beside it. You could use these links as quick links by adding them in a text field on the dashboard