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Enhancing Filter Features: Support for OR Logic and Multiple Conditions


It would be great if the filter feature could support "OR" logic, so we can add multiple conditions without being restricted to "AND." Also, it would be helpful if the "contains" filter could allow multiple conditions at once, making it easier to see combined results.

  • Avatar of Tom S.
    Tom S.

    You can actually already do this Emily W.; pretty handy feature I discovered a couple of weeks back called 'Create Event Property' that allows you to make a derived event property using an OR clause (& many other options)

  • Avatar of Emily W.
    Emily W.

    Tom S. Yes~thanks for sharing👍 I knew this feature, and have tried to create some! But I still hope the filter function can be more flexible and do not manually create the property 🙌

  • Avatar of Vlad S.
    Vlad S.

    I'm actually not entirely sure what the filter section of the reports is needed for anymore, now that you can add filters on each event separately. The only thing I've used it for has been as a shorthand where I want to apply the same filter to all events but I don't want to do it one by one, which is nice, but doesn't seem like it is in any way critical functionality