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Advanced Mixpanel Training and Product Analytics Resources Needed


Hi, I'm looking for resources/trainings/courses for learning Mixpanel. I've completed the Product School Micro-certification in Product Analytics. It was a great introduction to Mixpanel, but now I'm looking for something more advanced. I have some budget for paid options. Any ideas or suggestions? Also open to suggestions for learning more about product analytics in general. I'm a UX Researcher that's new to product analytics.

  • Avatar of Josh a.
    Josh a.

    sent you a DM!

  • Avatar of Oleksii C.
    Oleksii C.

    Josh a. can you please too?:) TY!

  • Avatar of Ritik A.
    Ritik A.

    Josh a. can you please share it with me too?:) TY!

  • Avatar of Ali B.
    Ali B.

    Susan Oleksii C. Ritik A. I’m a top-rated Mixpanel consultant and I put together a product analytics course a while back that includes a section on Mixpanel, as well as ones on KPI development, AB testing, and tracking plan development. You can view it here: https://www.productanalytics.academy/ If you’re interested, DM me and I’ll hook you up with an additional discount. You can also see some free videos I create on my Youtube channel here.