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Exploring Group Analytics in Mixpanel for Staffing Platform Insights


Hi all, is there a recommended best place in the Mixpanel sample data sets to see group analytics in action? I wanted to get an understanding of the types of reports I can create using it. For context, my company is building a staffing platform for temporary accounting and finance help. We presently track both clients that post jobs and accountants/candidates that apply to jobs, but I'd like to be able to leverage group analytics to track jobs specifically and answer questions like:

  • How many are getting filled?

  • How many are getting candidates submitted?

  • Of the ones with no submissions, what are the reasons?

  • How many interviews are happening per job and what does the distribution for this look like?

  • What does the turnaround time between a job post and a job award look like?

  • Avatar of Ali B.
    Ali B.

    Hi Scott, You can use the “B2B /Saas” dataset, which comes with group analytics. Here’s an example report I built that looks at the completion of a funnel by a company. You can adjust between user-level analysis and company-level analysis through the dropdown above the lefthand panel (screenshot below)