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Understanding Distinct_id in Mixpanel Event Data


We have Distinct_id in Mixpanel event data. What is Distinct_id? Looks like it's related to User whose action generated event ? How can we get user information whose action generated event ?

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    Hi Sureshkumar S., Please stand by as I search the Mixpanel knowledge base for an AI-powered answer. I normally take about 15 seconds or so. In case AI cannot answer your question, feel free to reach out to Mixpanel support at mixpanel.com/get-support. If you have follow-up questions for this thread, please tag me again with your question: @kapa.ai <follow-up question> đź‘‹

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  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    In Mixpanel, distinct_id is a unique identifier used to track a user in the system. Every event data and profile update sent to Mixpanel should have a distinct_id property associated with it. The distinct_id value tells Mixpanel which user to attach your events and profile property updates to. It provides a single, unified identifier for a user across devices and sessions. When two events have the same value of distinct_id, they are considered as being performed by one unique user. If the distinct_id on two events are two different values, they will be considered as coming from two separate users[^1^].The distinct_id plays a crucial role in Mixpanel. For instance, in the Insights report, Distinct IDs are used to determine uniqueness, which is crucial for aggregation methods like Uniques and Average per User. In the Funnels report, Distinct IDs are used to follow a user through a conversion journey[^1^].To get the user information whose action generated an event, you can manually trigger some of those events on your own device. After you have fired some events, navigate to Events and search or filter using any user-level information you know is available in the event's raw payload. Search by $user_id, $device_id, distinct_id, or user property values[^4^].If you are using Mixpanel's JavaScript SDK, you can use mixpanel.get_distinct_id to return your own distinct_id in your browser console and copy the distinct_id value into the Events search bar[^4^].[^1^]: Mixpanel Docs: Identity Management Overview [^4^]: Mixpanel Docs: Debugging: Validate your data and troubleshoot your implementation

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