Setting Up a Custom Search Success Event in Mixpanel
I would like to create a custom event to measure "Search Success" in our product. I want this event to trigger when the following events are true:
SearchResultClick (equals that a search was made)
Custom_SearchHitNumber is less or equal to 3 (meaning that the article clicked in search hit list was among the top 3 hits)
Pageview20s (meaning that the users spent at least 20second on the article clicked).
All of above events are already created and available. But when I go about creating a custom event I can only choose to create an event based on SearchResultClick OR Pageview20s etc. occuring. But how I would like to set it up is AND i.e. I only want the custom event to trigger when all of the events defined have occured. Any idea/input on how to set this up in Mixpanel?