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Filtering Profiles by Last Seen Status in Days Using Parameters


how can I filter profiles that have been “$last_seen” in the last xx days using either the where parameter or a combination of behaviors and as_of_timestamp? Can’t find examples anywhere.

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    Hi Juan D., Please stand by as I search the Mixpanel knowledge base for an AI-powered answer. I normally take about 15 seconds or so. In case AI cannot answer your question, feel free to reach out to Mixpanel support at mixpanel.com/get-support. If you have follow-up questions for this thread, please tag me again with your question: @kapa.ai <follow-up question> 👋

    Feel free to ask a follow-up question once I've answered by mentioning me with @kapa.ai

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    To filter profiles based on the "last_seen" property is actually called "Updated at" in Mixpanel's user interface, as mentioned in the User Profile documentation.2. This property only changes when the profile is updated, not when a user performs a new event.3. Mixpanel doesn't provide a direct way to filter profiles based on "last_seen", you can use the "mp_first_event_time is in the last XX days"This approach won't give you exactly the same result as filtering by "$last_seen", but it will help you identify users who have had their first interaction with your product within the specified time frame.If you need more precise control over user activity, you might want to consider using Behavioral Properties to create a custom property based on user activity, which you can then use for filtering and segmentation.Hmm, I do not have enough information to provide a specific code example or more detailed instructions on how to implement this filter using the where parameter or behaviors and as_of_timestamp. If you need more specific guidance, you might want to consult Mixpanel's official documentation or reach out to their support team.

    kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.

    ℹ️ Tip: Mention @kapa.ai in the thread for follow-ups or DM the app for 1-to-1 help.