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how to create a cohort by uploading a csv of user Ids?


how to create a cohort by uploading a csv of user Ids?

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    Hi Dr. S., Please stand by as I search the Mixpanel knowledge base for an AI-powered answer. I normally take about 15 seconds or so. In case AI cannot answer your question, feel free to reach out to Mixpanel support at mixpanel.com/get-support. If you have follow-up questions for this thread, please tag me again with your question: @kapa.ai <follow-up question> đź‘‹

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  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    To create a cohort by uploading a CSV of user IDs in Mixpanel, you can follow these steps:1. Prepare your CSV file: - Do not include column headers in the CSV. - The most important column should be the $distinct_id for user profiles. - The $distinct_id values should match the ones you're sending on your events.2. Import the CSV: - Go to the "Import from CSV" tab in Mixpanel. - Select your prepared CSV file to begin the import process.3. Choose the identifier column: - Select the column that contains the $distinct_id values. - This step is crucial to ensure proper user identification.4. Select the desired CSV columns: - Review all columns in the CSV and uncheck those you don't want to import. - Map each selected column to the appropriate Mixpanel profile property.5. Import the profiles: - After selecting and mapping the columns, click the "Import profiles" button.6. Create a cohort: - Once the profiles are imported, you can create a cohort based on these users. - Go to the Cohort Builder and define your cohort using the imported user IDs.For more detailed information on importing profiles via CSV and creating cohorts, you can refer to these Mixpanel documentation pages:User Profile: Demographic attributes for your users Cohorts: Group users by demographic and behaviorRemember that the maximum size for your CSV should be 1M rows, and if you import profiles with existing $distinct_id values, those profiles will be updated with the additional profile properties.

    kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.

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