If change the timezone of my project now, will my previous events automatically be considered part of the changed timezone or only the events after changing the timezone will be considered part of new timezone?
Based on the knowledge sources provided, I can answer your question about changing the timezone of your Mixpanel project.For projects created after January 1, 2023, changing the timezone only affects how Mixpanel displays results and does not impact the stored event data. This is because Mixpanel records all events in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at intake for these newer projects.However, for projects created before January 1, 2023, the situation is different. As stated in the Managing Projects documentation:"For projects created before 1 Jan 2023, Mixpanel converts event timestamps to your project timezone before writing the event to your Mixpanel data stores, meaning that event timestamps are stored based on the project timezone setting at the time of ingestion."This means that for older projects, changing the timezone now will not automatically adjust the timestamps of previously ingested events. The events that were already stored will remain in the timezone that was set at the time they were ingested.To summarize: - For projects created after Jan 1, 2023: Changing the timezone only affects display, not stored data. - For projects created before Jan 1, 2023: Previously ingested events remain in the old timezone, while new events will be stored in the new timezone.If you need to adjust the timezone for historical data in an older project, you may need to consider exporting, adjusting, and re-importing the data.
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