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Setting Up GTM Tags for Group Analytics with Mixpanel


I would like to run the following tags for group analytics using GTM What should I select in Command? Tags (1) “some_event” event with “company_id: mixpanel” as the group key in the property Add “type of industry: product analytics” to the group profile of the group “mixpanel” whose Key is company_id.

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    Hi 石川 明., Please stand by as I search the Mixpanel knowledge base for an AI-powered answer. I normally take about 15 seconds or so. In case AI cannot answer your question, feel free to reach out to Mixpanel support at mixpanel.com/get-support. If you have follow-up questions for this thread, please tag me again with your question: @kapa.ai <follow-up question> 👋

    Feel free to ask a follow-up question once I've answered by mentioning me with @kapa.ai

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    I apologize, but I cannot provide a specific answer to your question about using Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Mixpanel group analytics. The knowledge sources provided do not contain information about implementing Mixpanel tracking through GTM or about specific GTM commands for this purpose.However, I can provide some general information about Mixpanel group analytics based on the available knowledge sources:1. For tracking an event with a group key: You would need to send an event named "some_event" with a property "company_id" set to "mixpanel". This is how you attribute an event to a group in Mixpanel.2. For setting a group profile property: You would need to set a property "type of industry" with the value "product analytics" for the group with key "company_id" and value "mixpanel".These actions would typically be done using Mixpanel's SDK or API calls. For example, in JavaScript, it might look something like this:LBKS// Track event with group mixpanel.track('some_event', { 'company_id': 'mixpanel' });LBKS// Set group profile property mixpanel.getGroup('company_id', 'mixpanel').set('type of industry', 'product analytics');LBKSHowever, the exact implementation in GTM would depend on how Mixpanel is integrated with your GTM setup, which is not covered in the provided knowledge sources.For accurate instructions on how to implement these actions in GTM, I recommend consulting Mixpanel's documentation specific to GTM integration or contacting Mixpanel's support team.Mixpanel Group Analytics Documentation

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