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Changing Funnel Report to Show Daily User Conversion Counts


I'm looking at a line chart type of a funnel report. I want to change the values to show a count of all users converting on that day, rather than a daily funnel conversion rate. Is this possible?

  • Avatar of kapa.ai

    Yes, it is possible to change the values in a line chart of a funnel report to show a count of all users converting on that day, rather than a daily funnel conversion rate. You can do this by adjusting the measurement type in your funnel report. Here's how you can achieve this: 1. In your funnel report, look for the measurement options. By default, it's likely set to "Conversion Rate".2. Change the measurement from "Conversion Rate" to "Unique Users" or "Total Conversions", depending on your specific needs: - "Unique Users" will show the number of unique users who completed the selected steps of the funnel. - "Total Conversions" will show the total number of funnels that have reached the selected step, allowing for users to re-enter the funnel multiple times.3. Make sure your visualization is set to "Line" to see the trend over time.This change will allow you to see the count of users converting each day, rather than the conversion rate.For more details on the different measurement types available in Mixpanel's Funnel reports, you can refer to the Funnels: Measure conversions through a series of events documentation.Remember that when you select "Unique Users" or "Total Conversions", you're measuring the actual number of conversions rather than a percentage, which can give you a different perspective on your funnel performance over time.

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